Разместил заказ на
На просьбу по оплате через пайпал получил вот это:
I am sorry but we do not currently ship to Russia with credit card payment
or PayPal. We can make a special arrangement for your account to send CDs
to you with credit card, but unfortunately, due to problems with credit card
fraud, we must request that we first receive a copy of the credit card that
will be used, front and back. The order must be paid by a real card and not
an electron or internet card and must be a Visa, MasterCard, or Discover
Card. This picture can be faxed, sent by email in
a GIF, JPG, or BMP file. Please be sure to
include your order number so we will know what order it is for. Once we
have this picture, we can make a special arrangement to send CDs to this
We must apologize for this inconvenience, but we must take this precaution,
again, because of the large number of fraudulent orders received from this
Отправил фото карты с двух сторон ,прикрыв код.
В ответ получил это:
I can put the order in process now but I need the security code on the
credit card to do so. Please let me know that information and I will put
the order in process.
Это нормально? Номер карты продавец уже знает,стоит ли сообщать код на обратной стороне? Карта Visa уралсиба.
Кто нибудь сталкивался с подобным,как в такой ситуации поступить?